Todor Oluic – Strand, The Satin Bowerbird



Snakes and Parisians (contrary to popular belief) love spider webs,

but not the spiders themselves.

Nuns (who have need for eyes everywhere) love spiders but don’t

care for the webs they weave.

The complications, the strange things people do before the dew has

yet to settle (loosing from the

moon’s train) are foreign to me. But sometimes, when I’m walking

in the woods, I can feel (yet not

see) the lip of some strand stick to me and say: “look at what you’re

missing”, and I can’t wipe it off.


(Off the poem “Spider Web” by Diana Hartog)


The Satin Bowerbird

How much blue does the female satin bowerbird need

in a man?

He displays flowers and pens and berries, dances

with the sky and ocean.

She’ll build her nest around him,

the best dancer,

the overwhelming blue.



Todor Oluic was born and raised in Windsor, On, Canada and is currently attending university for English Literature and Creative Writing. His writing and music centers on the everyday life and seeks to show the trials, the successes, the joys and the sorrows of the average citizen.

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